Saturday, January 13, 2007

Why do I scrapbook?

I saw this theme "why do I scrapbook?" at TwoPeas and I it was very interesting to read the Garden Girls reasons for scrapbooking. Their reasons are much like my own reasons.
I think it was fun to make my own LO about why I scrapbook.
I have mentioned my reasons in little words on the LO. I could decide to write a lot of text about it, but I think these little words describes it very well.
I scrapbook to remember the little moments. I don't want to forget the everyday I love. My children will read the stories. They'll look at the pictures and I hope they will love me for documenting their lives for them.
Sometimes I scrapbook just because I love the picture.
I scrapbook because some days you never want to forget.
I know that without scrapbooking I would have already forgotten many of the small details of my childrens lives that are captured in my albums.
I scrapbook to share the stories of my life. There are so many, each deserving its own page.
I scrapbook because my children won't be little forever. No one can take these memories from me. They're mine.
I love the creative process, I like to play with paper, I enjoy telling stories and taking pictures.
The bottom line is: I never want to forget these little details in our family life.


Blogger lam said...

hvor er den flot Charlotte og du scrapper af nøjagtig de samme grunde som mig.....måske jeg også burde lavet sådan et layout

January 13, 2007 at 9:33 PM


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